What is the best way to find an affordable summer 2023 rental in Margate, NJ?
Should I contact a realtor?
Is Craigslist legit?
With so many folks who are new to the Jersey shore looking for downbeach rentals this summer, we thought we'd put the question out to the community for the entire season.
Have a good property for rent at the shore but don't want to advertise it in a conventional way?
Share it with us in the community comments, below. Know of a special property in Margate that's too good to be true....but still available? Tell us about it! (either by email - (mindfulmarketplace@gmail.com) or share it in the community forum (at the bottom of the post)
We'll be sharing some of our own favorites as well from around the web throughout the season in Ventnor, Longport and Margate alike, so check back often (and don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to get updates directly to your inbox whenever something interesting gets added, here)