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digital creators club

Tiny lists. Big Ideas! Browse bite sized bullets, listen on the go lessons and mini courses for busy digital creators south jersey. Create and sell tiny products, content, courses, communities & digital downloads that expand your brand. Perfect for teachers, trainers, service professionals, local business owners +creative SJ entrepreneurs with big goals and big ideas. Teach what you know. Do what you love. Wake up the world with your work. Join us in 2024!

18 posts from digital creators club
How to:  Create a Digital Product or Course for Your Business
January 24, 2024 by ian in digital creators club

How to: Create a Digital Product or Course for Your Business

A simple outline we created for another community of creators - that works wonderfully well for E-commerce entrepreneurs of all types. (local creatives, teachers, trainers, online course and cohorts, community leaders and for creating and selling online information via your own storefront or brand) Teach what you know. Do what...

Pushing Through Perfectionism
January 22, 2024 by ian in digital creators club

Pushing Through Perfectionism

don't let the opinions of others squash your story or diminish your dream. the creators biggest enemy is often not a fear of failure, but the fear of what other people will say about our ideas.

Spotlight digital creators club