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13.  Slow Down

13. Slow Down

Sometimes you need to step back and look again. Go slow. Take a deep breath. Notice what's going on around you, and inside of you. Be grateful for the great miracle of this moment, and sink into the power of presence.

11.  Make Mistakes
July 20, 2024 by ian in visualized

11. Make Mistakes

make mistakes. get your face in the mud. learn on the fly - iterate, tweak, critique, optimize and improve. but don't play it safe. and don't let the fear of failure lessen your light or shrink your story.

05. Start Anyway
July 18, 2024 by ian in visualized

05. Start Anyway

Don't compare your beginning to someone else's well on their way. The only metric that matters is - where were you yesterday - and where are you today.

Spotlight ¯\_🫥_/¯ letters to my younger self